Welcome to Hamilton Central
Seventh-day Adventist Church
This sabbath we have the opportunity to meet physically
again in our church premises for our worship service.

Join us for church this Sabbath either @Church, @School @Home or Online live via our Facebook page or on our Youtube channel via the Libary button.

Here's how you can stay up-to-date with events and updates.

There are lots of options and even something for the kids.

Church@church is our open service where there will be a limit of 25 people as per red restrictions. This is where the Teens and Adult Sabbath schools will be
held from 9:30 am followed by
the main service at 11 am.
For Children attending Church@church, there will be activity packs provided.

Church@School is our certified service and will be on fortnightly, where there will be a limit of 100 people in red. The main church service will be from 9:30 am followed by Children's and Adult Sabbath school classes from 11 am. for more info on our open Junior and early teens Sabbath school email hamsdasecretary@gmail.com
(46 Annebrook Road)
For either of these services, click the link below.
School@School is fortnightly and may not appear on the booking website.
We encourage you to keep in contact with another church family by simply giving
them a phone call to see how they are doing.